
Celebrating September with a Special Book Review: “A Tale of Playful Spells and Friendship”


September’s book review is indeed a personal and special one, as it delves into a creation that’s particularly close to my heart—my book, “A Tale of Playful Spells and Friendship.” The reviews that I’ll be sharing here come straight from the thoughtful readers on Amazon and Goodreads. It’s a heartwarming experience to witness so many people derive joy from something I poured my heart and soul into.

A Tale of Friendship and Enchantment

“A Tale of Playful Spells and Friendship” is more than just a book; it’s a journey into the enchanting world of friendship. This story is a testament to the power of connection and the magic that blooms when friends come together.

Reader Reviews: The Heart of the Matter

Now, let’s hear from the readers themselves. Their insights and reactions have been both humbling and inspiring:

5.0 out of 5 stars Fun story for the littles

Lovely colorful book with a fun “look and find” included. Two friends using their imagination. I love that the author included the look and find because it got my 2 yr old granddaughter interested in the story also and she is never one to sit still and read (yet) so was a win win for all and I got to sit with both grandkids together. We have read it several times now and we only got it a few days ago. Just in time for Halloween too.

5.0 out of 5 stars I really like this book!

This book is wonderfully captured by the author. It’s about two friends , Isla and Zoe, who love to dress up as witches and go on adventures in the woods.  The story highlights the power of friendship. 

This book is wonderful, and it’s super adorable. Your kids will be laughing like crazy. It’s also easy to read and understand. It’s great for kids 4-8 years old.

The illustrations are just beautiful…colorful, artsy, dreamy, and perfect. Overall, the quality of this book is phenomenal!  Definitely get one for a kid you love!

5.0 out of 5 stars Imagination

This was an adorable and fun story showing how creative children can be when using their imaginations. The two little girls are pretending to be little witches and they use their imagination to have fun, enjoy being together and being nice to nature. The colorful and fun illustrations are a great plus to this fun tale. I love how creative this is and perfect for those little ones who think outside the box. Like my daughter not every little girl is all about the princesses and I am so happy to have found a story that shows that each child can dream of whatever they want and to just be themselves.

5.0 out of 5 stars Spooky Fun!

My daughter loved this book! She loves Halloween and said this was “fun spooky”! We loved looking for items in the artwork! Our only complaint is that it was too short!

A Personal Reflection

“A Tale of Playful Spells and Friendship” has been a labor of love, a creative endeavor that allowed me to explore the intricate nuances of friendship. Writing this book has been a journey of self-discovery and a celebration of the connections that enrich our lives.

As an author, there’s no greater joy than knowing that your words have resonated with readers. Each review, each word of appreciation, reinforces the belief that stories have the power to touch hearts and kindle a sense of wonder.

I want to extend my heartfelt thanks to all the readers who have embraced “A Tale of Playful Spells and Friendship” and shared their thoughts through Amazon and Goodreads reviews. Your support and feedback mean the world to me. It’s a delightful feeling to see my work cherished by so many.

As we step into October, I’m filled with gratitude for the journey “A Tale of Playful Spells and Friendship” has taken me on. Here’s to more stories, more enchantment, and more celebrations of the beautiful bonds of friendship. Thank you for being a part of this journey with me.

